Sunday, January 28, 2007


i'm reverting to my slack blogging ways. intially it was a little upsetting, going from almost a post a day to a post a week (if that!), but i've decided just to embrace it. there are those whose lives allow them the luxury of such an oft-updated web-journal. mine in not one of them.

on thursday i enrolled at uni. in great latrobe fashion, the whole thing took almost three hours. that was from turning up, seminaring, the mysterious 'validation', data-entry, running the gauntlet of clubs and societies, student card getting and then running the fuck away. i love latrobe, mostly, although VSU put my favorite little hippy cafe out of business.*

wholefoods, rest in peace. i will forever remember your cheap curries, free-trade coffee and too-hippy-to-be-true staff. in my barefoot and long-haired days, i counted myself in your number. how sad. fucking howard.


also to report was the houseparty to end all houseparties. last weekend we made tentative plans for some wild bbq action at a friends place in malvern. through mass coincidence each of us ended up texting almost every single person we'd ever met, and eventually the house was so full i could hardly force my way from lounge to kitchen to get a fresh beer. luckily, all it took was the admission that i was quite prepared to go all hopoate on peoples arses (yes, exactly.) to make sure a small corridor was cleared between me and the fridge.

*photo stolen from ruth

Thursday, January 18, 2007


so, i have nothing at all against vegans and vegetarians. i have a silly number of friends who are this way inclined, and i respect their dietary choices completely. now that we've got that out of the way...

my friend simon once went veg for a girl. sure, he didn't admit to it at the time, but we all knew it. i once asked her, with my most serious face on, whether or not she ever worried her canine teeth would rot and fall out due to lack of use. she didn't laugh. eventually the whole thing crashed and burnt, but his vegetarianism remained (mostly because he didn't want to admit his female motivation to us). i teased him relentlessly about it, and after a little over a year managed to bring him back to the world of the carnivore. now, together, we roam the land attempting to undo the good work of herbivores everywhere by eating as much meat as we can.

so now we make up for lost time. and in doing so, i have rediscovered my love for the burger! oh man, how i love it's multi-layered treasuretrove of flavours. it's ease of eating. it's constant companion the 'side of chips'. is there anything better than a burger that isn't a hot, sex-loving female? i think not. that's why i've started a new blog! will contain burger reviews from around town. hopefully updated once weekly, i'll also post guest reviews, so if you have a burger you wish to share with the world, let me know! burgers must, however, contain meat.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


after discussing my ideas and a a fun-filled week of exchanging sketches and opinions on said sketches via e-mail, my tattooist inked that absolute shit out of my arm. in a good way.

notice the bruising at the bottom right. yep. ow.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

busy week

talk about fun-filled & action packed. there has been much frivolity this week, mostly because i think we're all trying to escape the scaryness that is 2007. i mean seriously, it's going to be 2010 in like no time. wtf is that about? am slightly concerned, although there is still time for my extremely likely death scenarios from last post to occur in the meantime. fingers crossed!

the ex has been attempting drunk reconcilliations, meaning she'll be out somewhere and start sending me drunken texts about how we really should get back together. sadly, this has occured several times when i have also been similarly drunk - in which state i'm basically powerless against attractive girls who like me - and therefore there have been several awkward textual conversations (and a little kissing, but forgive me, i'm but a boy). i have no idea what's supposed to be happening here at all.

tuesday equals tattoo number three, having waiting about two years between now and the last. was sitting on an idea for a while and have finally decided to take the plunge. it is getting drawn as we speak and i will document it via camera phone for your blogging enjoyment. i really love the though of being a tattoo'd 80 year old guy and trying to explain to various grand-children what the hell it all means, and that grand-dad isn't really a crazy old ruin, and perhaps even co-opting them into assiting my escape from the home my children will surely put me in at first oppertunity.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


i don't think i ever though i'd make it to 2007. visions of death while contesting a world motocross championship, shot by terrorists while performing vital intelligence duties behind enemy lines, exhastion after too much super-model sex... none of these most possible of possibilities really saw me making it any further than 2005, at best. but here i am.

m: defier of odds.

anyhow, i think it's customary to bring in the new year with some resolutions. here are mine:

* find cute, funny girls, then kiss them.

* more more more live music

* pass all my uni subjects.

* hand in all assignments earlier than the day they are due

* drink more tea & less coffee

* sing in public more often. perhaps even dance.

i think that's about it. take care in 2007 all.