Thursday, January 18, 2007


so, i have nothing at all against vegans and vegetarians. i have a silly number of friends who are this way inclined, and i respect their dietary choices completely. now that we've got that out of the way...

my friend simon once went veg for a girl. sure, he didn't admit to it at the time, but we all knew it. i once asked her, with my most serious face on, whether or not she ever worried her canine teeth would rot and fall out due to lack of use. she didn't laugh. eventually the whole thing crashed and burnt, but his vegetarianism remained (mostly because he didn't want to admit his female motivation to us). i teased him relentlessly about it, and after a little over a year managed to bring him back to the world of the carnivore. now, together, we roam the land attempting to undo the good work of herbivores everywhere by eating as much meat as we can.

so now we make up for lost time. and in doing so, i have rediscovered my love for the burger! oh man, how i love it's multi-layered treasuretrove of flavours. it's ease of eating. it's constant companion the 'side of chips'. is there anything better than a burger that isn't a hot, sex-loving female? i think not. that's why i've started a new blog! will contain burger reviews from around town. hopefully updated once weekly, i'll also post guest reviews, so if you have a burger you wish to share with the world, let me know! burgers must, however, contain meat.


Bonnie Conquest said...

I've cured a few 'veg's' in my time. Damn, it's satisfying.

I rate my homemade burgers.

elaine said...

I was vegetarian or vegaquarian for 15 (yes, count 'em) years.

You will be pleased to know I have seen the error of my ways.

My first carnivorous thing was a rare steak and damn it was good.

I still don't like bacon, but then I also don't like avocado and do like brussells sprouts.

Can I guest post on the burger blog?

Enny said...

Don't you have a vegetarian burger place in Melbourne?

As a vegan Canberran I demand to see it reviewed.

audrey said...

I have nothing against vegetarians or vegans except when they dictate the ratio of meals ordered down at Ky Chow...