Monday, June 11, 2007

real conversations, real lives

conversations from work i may have taken part in...


guy 1: hey, know how i know you're gay?

guy 2: how?

guy 1: i saw you having sex with a dude. ZING!

guy 2: that's because you were the dude.

guy 1: your mum is a dude.


guy (noticing girls leopard-print stillettos): nice stripper shoes.

girl: these aren't stripper shoes! stripper shoes have, like, a six inch plastic heel, and they're...

guy: hey hey, hold up. sorry i'm not a big expert in stripper-shoeology, like you are.

girl (distressed): but i'm not an expert in stripper shoeology!

guy: i never really look at their shoes anyhow...

(silence in office)


Enny said...

Did you wear the stripper shoes all day?

m. said...


richardwatts said...

You just made me laugh so hard that the glass of water I was drinking came out my nose. Bastard!