Friday, December 1, 2006

words while working

so i was talking to one of the recently employed girls in my department tonight. she's very young and knows a whole bunch about australian idol. these things i now know. we somehow wandered on to the topic of her cousin, who is a similar age (nineteen-ish?) and is trying to break up with her boyfriend, who, in rebuttal, has asked her to marry him. nice. i tried to work out why, at the tender age of whatever the hell tender age this guy is at, he's been considering marriage. perhaps the cousin is the worlds hottest ninteen-year-old. it's a thought, and one i knew was worth investigating.

me: so, is your cousin, like, super-hot?

new girl: well, yeah, she's pretty hot. i mean, she was hot, but then...

me: what, was there an accident? like with acid? or a fire?

new girl: ...

me: has she got a hot body but a weird, melted face?

new girl: um, no. she's just not as hot as she used to be.

now really, was that an unreasonable conclusion to jump to?


ms fits said...

Ah, but would you have loved her with the hot body and warped Tupperware head regardless, young man? I think that's a question for all of us in these modern times.

*nods wisely*

m. said...

if you're aware of a bodily hot (but otherwise imperfect) nineteen year-old, please feel free to introduce them to me.

... in the name of science, obviously.

audrey said...

Completely reasonable conclusion to jump to. Other possibilities are that she has been so swayed by gratuitous junk food advertising that she has become so grossly obese she can no longer see her pagina or that she has had an unexpected reaction to sexual experimentation and is now a classic stereotype of a lady loving lady. So the question really is, who does melted face fatty boombah lady lover think she is spurning the proposal of a man who is the very embodiment of the sentiment that true love is blind?