Thursday, December 21, 2006


yes. i'm addicted to shopahol.

had to finish off the x-mas shopping today, so headed towards the jam factory as it has a borders, and that's basically where i do all the shopping for everyone i know. the first present i found basically jumped off the shelf and molested my face with it's colorful hijinks. remember where's wally?

yep. and it's not just osama! you can get bonus props for finding wonderfully awesome things like sarin gas canisters, patty hurst and other assorted fun stuff. this will end up on my aunts coffee table, all the best to torment her stupidly conservative church friends with. you go girl!

i also brought this for myself:

and while standing in line paying for the two books, found this:

i still have no idea who to give it to.

i can't book buy for my mother as i don't understand her at all. voucherville, every bloody year. i had already purchased a recent release of dean koontz' for my dad, as he reads some pretty decent stuff.

i also purchased myself perhaps the hottest western shirt in black check ever, as well as a new man-smell by those italian scent-wizards at versace.


so i'm living in westgarth with my good friend simon and a girl who seemed sane at the time of lease-signing. eventually she just gives up paying rent and starts to squat in her room while leaving half-eaten fast food everywhere and stealing all our stuff. later we also realise she's a call-girl and has a large coke habbit. basically, she turns our lives into living hell and i eventually escape to kew, while simon remains to soldier on.


i go visit simon, who remains in the house from hell due to cheap rent (because it's a dive, yo). we get wasted around the corner at kelvin and end up ranting and raving about how much we dislike she who can't be named. when we get back to the house, i steal her blender and drive home.



Enny said...

he's still living with her two years later?!

m. said...

he's got a high tollerence for fuckwits (see: being my close friend)

ms fits said...

Yes, but did you wear your lovely new shirt and fragrance on your thieving excursion?

meva said...

I want a book about 'Pocket Wetty'!!

And I want it NOW.

meva said...


I'll take 4 signed copies, please.


Fluffy said...

Enjoy the awesomosity of blended drinks hon. Have merry ones x.