Tuesday, December 19, 2006


wasn't exactly looking forward to work last night. a combination of a new almost-boss who knows less than nothing about everything (this isn't an overstatement. less than nothing about everything i tell you), five wonderful hours spent supervising the work of an angry ex-girlfriend AND the very real likelyhood of hours and hours of brain-rotting overtime.

so i did what anyone else would do and went for a stiff drink before heading off.

sadly, though, as i dug around the fridge to find some soda, or even a little tonic, i realised i'd done all my mixers the day before in an afternoon boozing blitz prompted by nothing more than the fact that it was sunny, and i'm an alcoholic. i'm not a complete barbarian, and wasn't going to drink straight liquor before dealing with the sensitive medical details of patients who trust me with their very lives. oh no. that was when i saw my housemates neatly refridgerated cans of 'v'.

i poured myself a half gin and v and was extremely impressed. not only was their some kind of flavour-party happening in my mouth (to which it seemed many a lively guest had been invited), but i was also enegised. energised by the energetic energy of my energy-drink mixer, V! so i decided to have a second, as the first disappeared in no time. can it get any better than one gin and sickly-sweet energy thing? YES OH GOD IT CAN.

before i know it i'm rationalising drink number four because i didn't want let the remainder of can number two go flat.

work wasn't half as bad as i expected, strangely enough.

ALSO: Fights we would all like to see but would probably never happen

Ivan 'Angry' Drago


Bronwyn 'Bitch-Tits' Bishop

sadly this odd-couple pairing would be very unlikely due to serveral reasons. ivan drago is a fictional character, which makes it hard for anyone to fight him, bar rocky. also, unarmed combat usually involved physical contact, and i can't imagine anyone being too keen to touch good ol' bitch tits, even with a speeding fist. i really shouldn't have mentioned bronwyn bishop in the same sentence as the word 'fist'. really uncomfortable images are what i'm imagining at the moment.

ew ew ew.


ms fits said...

*puts down sandwich*

meva said...

Does that woman put her makeup on with a TROWEL? She looks dead. Maybe she is.

m. said...

i think 'zombie bronwyn bishop' has just replaced being buried alive as my worst fear. thanks for that.